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November - Week 3:
"Three Steps"

The corps cadets will be introduced to the inductive Bible study method. They will engage by participating in a sword drill, learning this important Salvation Army past-time and its importance still today. They will explore the first and last steps of the inductive Bible study method: observation and application. As part of observation in Bible study, corps cadets will learn steps they can cover during the reading of a passage of Scripture. They will also be introduced to some Bible study tools. As part of application, they will consider questions that help them apply Scripture to their lives. Finally, they will be challenged to consider their attitudes and behaviors toward their cell phones, comparing those to their attitudes and behaviors with regards to the Bible.

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English and Spanish subtitles are available for all Corps Cadets videos.
(Video player, bottom right: 'CC' - subtitles on/off | 'Settings' - change language)

November Week 3 Engage Vid eoEngage:
What exactly is a sword drill?
November Week 3 Explore Vid eoExplore:
Learn about the "inductive" Bible study method.
November Week 3 Apply Vid eoApply:
Why does application matter?

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